Reaching Brazil
                                                                                                              One City at a Time


In China, a little girl about ten years of age, who lived with her parents in a small native mud hut, went to the mission one day, where a strange white lady had an unusual story to tell. The ten-year-old listened as the missionary from far beyond the sea spoke about Jesus, who left heaven above and came to earth as a babe. Liv- ing in Palestine, He finally gave His life that children might know that their sins are forgiven and that they be- long to their heavenly Father.

"Jesus, when He was upon earth, said, ‘Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven. ' " related the missionary.

"Does that mean Chinese children like me and my little brother?" asked the girl. Down her back hung a black braid, which we call a Chinese pigtail.

The missionary looked at this child, and her heart went out to her because she realized that during most of the girl’s life she had gone to bed night after night hungry, and doubtless never in her life had received all she could eat. The missionary remembered that during the past summer there had been a great drought in that section of China, and many children starved to death. Little girls like this one ate the roots of the grass, and some filled their stomachs with leaves off the trees.

"Yes, Jesus meant little Chinese boys and girls like you," said the missionary. "Then when I grow up and am big, I want to follow this Jesus way, " broke in the Chinese girl. Only to have the missionary return, "You can follow Jesus when you are a child, just the same as when you are older. There may come a time when you will be called upon to give your life for Jesus. "

"And if that ever comes," said the girl, "I will be ready to die for Him, for He loves even me."

Little did the missionary realize that time would not be too far distant. Communist soldiers overran that section of China shortly, and the missionary was forced to flee for her life. But before she left, she called the children and the older Christians about her.

"Remember, Jesus said that He would be with us even unto the end. And if the time comes when you are persecuted for Jesus' sake, stand and do not flinch. "

Within a month, the Communist army swept down upon the village. They made it a practice as they came to villages where there were churches to round up all of the Christians. The hundred Christians in this village sought refuge in their little church. Many of them were older persons, but among them were a number of children.

When the Communists found the Christians in the church, they drove them out with swords. Once the Christians were outside the church, the captain took a Bible from one of the children, and laid it down in the path in front of the church. Then he lined up the Christians, and said:

''All of you who will march down this path and step on the Bible shall live. But, if any of you step over the Bible, or go around it, the firing squad will kill you."

Now it happened that nine Christian old men stood first in line. As they looked at the Bible lying there in the path, they began to tremble, for they wanted to live. They were not willing to die.

"Ready, march!" commanded the army officer. And an old man with unsteady steps marched down to the Bible.

Ninety-nine pairs of Christian eyes were upon him. All wondered, "Would he step over the Bible and die?" Much to their horror, when he came to the Book, he put his right foot upon it, and the Communist captain laughed, "You shall live."

"Next," commanded the officer, to have the second old man march to the Bible and grind it into the earth. He was followed by eight others, all mature men. When they came to the Bible, they denied their faith in Jesus Christ, and stepped on the Word of God. and thus became Communists, to be allowed to live.

Next in line stood the ten-year-old girl to whom the missionary had said. "Jesus loves you.," She remembered the missionary's words. "Jesus will walk by your side, even to death. And if you must give your life for Him, He will be with you even to the end of the world."

"Jesus, help me not step on the Bible, but to step over it, and not deny Thee," whispered the little girl under her breath in a simple prayer.

The captain shouted, "Forward, march!"

Eighty-nine pairs of eyes behind the little girl watched her as slowly she started toward the Bible. Ten old men’s weary eyes, all deniers of Jesus, were upon the feet of the little child. She marched with head held high. There was a shine upon her face and tears of joy in her eyes. As she began that walk, her feet and steps were steady, as though somebody were holding her arm. That Somebody must have been Jesus. When she had taken the few steps and come to the Bible, looking steadfastly before her, she lifted her feet high off of the ground, one after the other, and stepped over God's Word. Before her was the Chinese Communist firing squad, and in great anger the captain cried out:

"Ready, fire!" And a Volley of rifle fire burst upon that quiet Chinese Village. The little girl's body, riddled with bullets, fell in the path nearby the Bible, which soon was stained with her blood.

Lined up in that marching army of Christians were 88 other members of the church. Inspired by the noble death of this ten-year-old girl for whom Jesus died, one after the other they stood and heard the captain shout in his anger:

"Forward, march!"

Coming to the Bible, each one stepped high over it, to be shot down in cold blood. When the pile of Christians became so high that others could not march down that path, the Chinese soldiers pulled the mangled, bullet-shattered bodies out of the way, and made place for the blood—soaked Bible to lie in the path. But not another Christian stepped on God's precious Word .

This girl gave her life for Jesus as a testimony to His power to redeem. By her inspiration, the rest of the Christian church, 89 of them, marched down to the Bible, stepped high over it, to be riddled with bullets, and to gain thus a martyr's entrance into the Holy City, the New Jerusalem.